Created to provide attorneys with everything needed to add MEDICAID PLANNING Immediately

23 Years Experience

Founded in 1996, Platinum Benefit Services, Inc. provides piece of mind by having more than 23 years experience.

10,000 Approvals

To date, Platinum has successfully processed and filed nearly 10,000 Medicaid applications in Florida.

$700 Million

Through the years, Platinum has assisted clients and attorneys in protecting more than $700 Million dollars.

The Complete 
Medicaid Planning Resource

Medicaid Esquires of Florida was created to give all attorneys access to the tools necessary to add Medicaid planning to their practice. To better understand the tools we provide, let's discuss Medicaid planning in general.

In a nutshell, Medicaid planning consists of three primary components; assest protection planning, legal document drafting and application processing and filing.

We provide assistance with all three components so you can competently and confidently offer Medicaid planning to your clients.

Member benefits include:

Structuring Asset Protection plans. We have more than 30 unique protection strategies proven effective in the state of Florida.

Document drafting wizard that includes the most common legal documents needed for Medicaid planning.

Asset protection strategies consulting for the attorney providing various options for protecting the client's assets. Having implemented, processed and filed nearly 10,000 cases to date, we have seen it all. There is not a case that we can't get qualified.

Asset protection plan implementation involves our processing staff working in conjunction with the attorney to assist the legal representative to step-by-step perform all the necessary actions to properly protect the client's assets and gain eligibility.

Asset and income verification, collect all required statements, documents, complete application and file the completed application with the Department of Children and Families.

Monitor application through the Department of Children and Families bureaucratic maze providing any additional requested information or documents until the file is approved.  

We provide the complete package to immediately add Medicaid Planning to your practice.

Attorney Help Line

Attorney liaisons are available during normal business hours to assist attorneys and staff with the preparation of Asset Protection Plans, document preparation and any other questions necessary to successfully gain Medicaid approvals. 


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Don't hesitate to contact us

Stop giving away clients TODAY!

Phone: (800) 396-5145